very rare VIENNESE parlor GRAND (CIRCA 1865)
with inlaid brass, mother of pearl and an ornate cast iron frame
Vienna was at the center of musical culture throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. At the end of the 19th century there were more than 150 piano manufacturers in Vienna competing to build fine pianos. Many of the greatest pianists in the world have preferred Viennese pianos for their rich, mellow tone. Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss, Brahms and Liszt, are just a few of the great artists that influenced classical music and the development of great pianos in Vienna.
This very ornate piano keeps tradition with the fine walnut case and the elegant curves shared by Viennese piano makers of the 19th century yet offers some very distinctive characteristics including the mother of pearl inlay with the maker's name "A. Illich" and several bands of inlaid brass across the entire case. Perhaps the most interesting and unique feature is the intricate floral work of the cast iron harp (frame). On some pianos, floral art is painted on the smooth iron, but here it was actually molded into the cast when it was made. We have never seen another piano with this feature (see photo below).
A careful restoration will produce the warm, clean tones the Viennese pianos are known for and the comfortable light touch which is always a pleasure to play. The piano will not only serve as a beautiful instrument but as a sound investment as well.
Photos Below are Prior to Restoration
Price furnished upon request; Serious inquiries please.